The Justice Project (TJP) is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to fighting injustice and to creating a more humane and just world. Founders of The Justice Project are veterans of war who have risked their lives fighting injustice. Their military experiences left them with an understanding of human suffering and a desire to leave a legacy of fairness for future generations. TJP’s current program is the Campaign for Criminal Justice Reform.
The Justice Project (TJP) is comprised of two separate corporate entities, The Justice Project, Inc., a 501(c)(4) organization, and The Justice Project Education Fund (formerly The Criminal Justice Reform Education Fund), a 501(c)(3) organization. The Justice Project uses a broad range of tools, including public education, coalition building, citizen action and direct political engagement with state and national lawmakers, to build bipartisan support to promote fairness and accuracy in the criminal justice system. Although the work of the two organizations is closely related, only The Justice Project, Inc. engages in legislative lobbying.
On this website, when we refer to “The Justice Project,” we are including the work of both organizations, unless otherwise specified.
Our Staff
The Justice Project is based in Washington, DC. Our work is supported by thousands of grassroots supporters and activists nationwide. Click here to view biographies of key Justice Project staff.
Criminal Justice Reform
The mission of The Justice Project’s Criminal Justice Reform Campaigns is to improve the fairness and accuracy of the American criminal justice system. We develop, coordinate, and implement integrated national and state-based campaigns involving public education, litigation and legislation to reform the criminal justice system, with particular focus on capital punishment.
Our unique approach has resulted in an impressive track record of providing comprehensive solutions for criminal justice reform. We are consensus builders who create results-oriented, customized campaigns. Our talented and professional staff draw on decades of experience working on social justice issues. View some of our successes.
The Justice Project worked toward the successful passage of the Innocence Protection Act — the only bi-partisan legislation in Congress that addresses flaws in our nation’s capital punishment system — which President Bush signed into law on October 30, 2004. In addition to its national efforts, TJP works with state and local advocates around the country who are tackling criminal justice reform issues.
Contributing to The Justice Project
You may make donations to the Campaign for Criminal Justice Reform through The Justice Project, Inc. or The Justice Project Education Fund. Donations made through our website benefit The Justice Project, Inc., and could could be applied toward our direct lobbying efforts, while donations to The Justice Project Education Fund will support our other efforts, including public education.
You can make donations to The Justice Project Education Fund by sending a check payable to TJP Education Fund to our address at 1025 Vermont Avenue, NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC 20005. Donations to both organizations are fully tax-deductible by the contributor.
Internship Opportunities
The Justice Project is looking for interns. Read more about our current opportunities.