Moving across town might be a hassle, but moving to another country entirely is a different ball game. It’s not just about finding a removalist near you or a cheap removalist. You’ll need more than that to move successfully without issues.

Well, that’s why you’ve got us. Anything and everything logistics-related can be learned in this guide. So, sit back and keep scrolling while we teach you how to move to your dream country without hassle.

According to Emmanuel Transport, the logistics of moving internationally entail a lot. As you may expect, there are rules to follow. We’ll highlight the top tips to include in your to-do list before moving.

1. Start Planning
You’ve decided to leave the country. Taking the expat route isn’t something you decide on in a few weeks. It takes months of planning. We suggest 6 months of planning ahead before the move.

This ensures you have no surprises along the way. Research extensively about the destination country. Check out its culture, laws, and even security details. At least you’ll know what to expect while moving.

One important part of planning is saving.

Saving for your move
If you’ve ever had to move across town or down your stress, you know how expensive that could be. What if we told you that’s nowhere close to the amount you’ll expend while moving to another country? In fact, multiply it by 12.

The cost of living globally includes details like moving fees and housing deposits—now throw in visa documents and international insurance.

How much should you save? To make sufficient financial plans, you need to research a lot.

Start by researching the exchange rate to know precisely how much the process would cost.

Other expenses to confirm include the cost of living in your new home and settling down. You’ll need a lot of savings and adequate planning for that. Try out six months’ worth of savings or a little more if that doesn’t work.

2. Consult an Immigration Professional
Yes, that’s right. You may need an immigration professional to help with details of all the documents you need for the move.

For one, get your passport ready to apply for your visa. Some countries require a valid passport beyond 6 months after your travel date. A professional would help you with details like this.

Immigration personnel would brief you on everything you need to immigrate lawfully. Like your documentation deadlines, immigration laws, and immunization requirements. For some countries, some goods are barred from importation. This step is actually essential to avoid any issues.

3. Settle Your Housing
Finding a new home could be emotional. You may finally be able to afford your dream home in your dream city. Or you simply want something similar to your previous home for the fear of unfamiliarity.

To find a home abroad, decide on the city you want to move to. That’s the first step– or if you are keeping your options open, select the top 5 cities on your mind.  After narrowing it down, research each city and decide which one suits your taste more.

Would you love the hustle and bustle of the capital city, or do you prefer the countryside– something less loud?

While deciding on a city, consider transportation accessibility, security, health care, and infrastructure in addition to the lifestyle you aim for.

We understand that a lot comes with moving and picking a destination may be difficult. But if you intend to rent, you may start your research online.

Check for top listing websites and link up with rental agencies so you can start from scratch when you arrive. Making payments and renting an apartment might be impossible before you arrive.

However, you can plan to lodge in an Airbnb or a hotel for one week. During that time, you’ll check out the houses that caught your eye online in person.

Similarly, if you want to purchase a new home, plan to work with a realtor for the best deals. You also need to see the options in person, so prepare to stay in a hotel for about a week after arrival.

4. Prepare Your Family for the Move
Moving with your family is much more stressful and demanding than moving alone. Besides filling out more paperwork, you have to plan for all your family.

For example, finding a new job for your partner, a new school for your kids, and how to transport your pets.  When picking a house, you must consider your family and carry them along throughout the process.

Before you commit to the move, ensure your family is fully settled, and you only need to move them. Moving into uncertainty regarding a new job, school, or neighborhood is always scary. Ensure every decision you make favors all your family members. Luckily, pets have the least requirements.

5. Research International Moving Companies
Moving internationally requires some permits. However, the smoothness of the process depends on the mover company you settle for.

Some companies specialize in international moves and help you with the forms necessary to get your things into the country. They pretty much know the best way to go about it.

But you should opt for the best.

6. Apply for a Visa
Getting a visa for the country you are moving to is necessary. While some countries offer visas on arrival, others may be complicated to acquire. So you may need to prepare well for your visa application.

Working with an immigration professional, for instance, prepares you for any necessary document.  Also, check the destination country’s official website for supporting documents before applying for your visa.

You should give yourself enough time to prepare for your visa. Get your documents ready in time to avoid any stress. If you are planning to work or go to school, some of these documents are necessary:

  • Divorce papers
  • Marriage certificate
  • Medical records
  • Child custody papers
  • Both certification and adoption papers
  • Social security card
  • Drivers license
  • School records, etc.

7. Consider Health Needs
Accessibility to local healthcare systems varies from country to country. Since health is vital, you should do thorough research before relocating. Check with your healthcare provider to see if they cover your healthcare needs abroad.

Also, get the right immunization and educational records depending on your destination country. If you are taking medication, research how accessible or permitted it is in the country.

If not, travel with enough supplies to last until you find a way to get your medication. Upon arrival, find out if the local health care is accessible with your current visa status.

That would prepare you for any emergency or any requirement before healing care becomes necessary.

8. Inform Your Bank
Another essential thing to do before a move is to inform your bank of your plan to relocate. Speak with your bank to see if they have affiliated branches in your destination country. If not, you may need to open a new account.

Most banks worldwide make it easy to open an account online. But you may also consider getting an international credit card. It enables you to avoid foreign transaction fees. Also, check for all the details required to get an account running as soon as you arrive.

9. Get a New Phone Plan
These days, an internet connection is vital. So staying connected is critical even while moving to another country. This is to ensure you don’t miss out on a connection.

Find out if your current service provider offers affordable plans abroad. But if not, start with unlocking your smartphone. When you arrive in your new country, get a local sim card and swap out the previous one.

Some virtual service providers allow you to retain your previous phone number. That way, you can keep track of your accounts online and receive messages as long as you are connected. You won’t miss any information or messages because you changed your sim.

10. Do Adequate Research before Leaving
Moving abroad comes with a huge change. Beyond new dishes, you may experience culture shock without prior research. Hence, check their culture, customs, and laws. Your research can save you from trouble during the first few months.

Another factor that you should consider before moving is how to sort your belongings. Are you planning to sell, ship, or store them? Wherever your choice is, make the decision early enough so you can research and make plans.

You can sell your things and purchase new ones for a more permanent move. For instance, kitchen appliances, furniture, mattresses, etc. You’ll need to research where to get new ones at your new location.

Check for the cost of each shipment or storage and the logistics involved. Depending on what you want to store or ship, it could cost you a couple of thousand.

11. Bade Your Friends Good Bye
If your friends are planning a surprise party to bid you farewell, now is the time. You can start counting down to your departure. But before you get carried away with the planning, ensure you have checked all the boxes.

Are your documents set? Do you have all the plans in place for the move?

At this point, you need to say goodbye even though it would make you feel sad. And maybe some of the most important people in your life would also come to visit!

Final Words
Moving abroad could be lonely and tiring, but it’s the next stage in your life—unavoidable.

Do you know what could make it less lonely? Meeting fellow expats abroad. Join groups where you can relate with people relocating to your new city.

It’s always great to have people who share the same experience and understand all your challenges. Who knows, you might make a friend somewhere down the lane.